Royal Mile David Hume

Since we were staying in York, England, we took a day trip to Edinburgh, Scotland – about 2.5 hours by train. The statue of David Hume overlooks the Royal Mile. It is said that rubbing his big toe will bring good luck. Walk the Royal Mile up to the castle.

Edinburgh, Scotland

The Edinburgh Castle complex towers above the city buildings.

Edinburgh Castle

Since Edinburgh Castle is a hilltop fortress complex with many buildings, be prepared for a lot of walking.

Edinburgh Castle

The castle is built atop the volcanic Castle Rock with sheer cliffs for a natural defense.

Edinburgh Castle view

Climb the maze of narrow streets for panoramic views of Edinburgh.

Edinburgh Castle Cannon

With 26 sieges in its 1100-year-old history, there’s plenty of history to dive into.

Edinburgh Castle

Stroll by and tour the centuries old buildings at Edinburgh Castle and admire how it’s built on volcanic rock.

Edinburgh Castle Scottish War Museum

Tour the Scottish National War Memorial at the Castle.

Edinburgh, Scotland

Left: Tour the Royal Palace at Crown Square. Right: Explore the many charming city streets below the castle.

Edinburgh, Scotland whiskey tasting

Even though our 2011 visit was in July, it was a chilly and misty day. Stopping for a whiskey tasting is a great way to warm up from the inside out!

Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh

From downtown, hike to and up Arthur’s Seat, an extinct volcano that overlooks the city.